Professional Writing and Rhetoric Minor

In the image above, community partner DeWayne Barton of Hood Huggers International, who has collaborated with UNC Asheville’s writing program for several years to help faculty teach the  history and art of Black Asheville, speaks to a group of professional writing students at Burton Street Community Peace Gardens. The students went on to develop a website for the Gardens.

Minor in Professional Writing and Rhetoric 

The minor in Professional Writing and Rhetoric (PWR) offers students an opportunity to develop as writers across a wide variety of media (print, digital, video, etc.) and situations (commercial, nonprofit, artistic, academic, civic, etc.). No matter the field of study or professional practice, every organization needs effective writers! The PWR minor prepares students for writing professionally through both practical workplace writing experience (in an internship) and courses that explore how writers navigate a variety of genres, conventions, and technologies. This combination of courses and internship is also flexible enough to combine with most majors.

Building on the basics of LANG 120, the core combination of LANG 354 (Professional Writing), LANG 395 (Contemporary English Grammar), and LANG 340 (Internship in Writing) will help to further ground students in the study and practice of rhetorically attentive and effective communication. Established internship sites include Asheville-area nonprofits, publishers, and businesses, with opportunities for students to work in acquisitions, copyediting, content writing, museum curation, archival preservation, and social media management, among other options. 

Additional courses, offered by English and other departments—such as DRAM 213 (Public Speaking), MCOM 201 (Basic Journalism), LL 313 (Languages and Contexts), HWP 335 (Health Communication), and ANTH 336 (Ethnographic Methods)—likewise focus explicit attention on the ways people use language and other symbols and modalities to create, organize, and communicate information across a variety of situations and cultures. Students who minor in PWR will also be assigned a Writing Program faculty advisor who can offer guidance and support along the way.

Declaration of PWR Minor

Students may minor in Professional Writing and Rhetoric by completing at least 20 hours of specified courses (depending on prereqs) including LANG 354, 395; 2-4 hours of LANG 340; and 10-12 hours from ANTH 336, CLAS 498, DRAM 213, HWP 335, LANG 260, 311, 312, 350, 366, 396, LIT 240, LL 313, MCOM 201, RELS 312, 313. Special topics courses in LANG may be substituted with the approval of the department chair. A minimum of 18 hours of LANG/LIT courses is required for the minor, and at least 6 hours must be at the 300-400 level. 

Students may declare a minor online.

Course Descriptions

Review the course descriptions and major/minor requirements in the UNC Asheville Course Catalog for each of the English department concentrations.